The Magic

I have seen a lot of magic shows as a kid and I always wanted to know the secrets behind them..growing up with these curiosities,  I always ended up finding the tricks and lost the belief in magic.
But that was until a few days back...

With the innocence of a small child, I ask......"Do magic really exist....?"

My sister, a 10th grader, told me about a magic book she had and how it the elder one, a shunned them all. Who in this century would even think about magic..? In this busy life, where does even magic stand.? She constantly kept informing me; who was miles away from her, about the magic the book created.....
"Oh my god, this girl is gone crazy.".....that was the only reaction I gave...

I could never digest the idea of magic, but when things keep happening around got to believe this hard fact...Magic....!
I am home now, I had forgotten about all those magic she talked about...but now; again...I'm experiencing the's true...I'm believing in it right now....because it's working...I can't express anymore about it...

After a lot of thinking and thinking, I found out ... the true magic lies within ourselves, deep within...
It's complicated to explain but simple to understand, It's pure magic within ourselves....!
And I'm going to use this secret magic upon all whom I will all receive great blessings this season....!
"Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."- ROALD DAHL

I'm believing it...and all those who doubt....let me know...I will give the key to this secret magic .... the magic of life....which lies within ourselves...I may seem insane ...but the truth in itself is insane...
It all seems like a fairy tale but behold...., It's a testimony, I'm experiencing it,  I can feel it right now, I'm surprised..!

Start believing,  it's a fact...Magic does exist...and you will be believing in it was our adult perspective that hid this magic from is that perspective which is is magical.

"No matter who you are, no matter where you are, no matter what your current circumstances, The Magic is going to change your entire life!"

Revealing 'The Magic' by Rhonda Byrne......
This is Reshmy Raphy Signing off from a magical world...
See you all soon...


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