Architecture vs Architorture

This week was hectic....Sorry for this late post...Getting into architecture was a tough job and now being in architecture is tougher...but this was, is and will be a very great experience...A roller coaster ride with lots of adventures and "night outs".

The second week in itself had shattered all our expectations and getting enough time to sleep. Stepping into architecture was stepping into a very different world.

The first week was filled with all the colors of college life and was really cinematic...!
Slowly ...slowly... slowly... architecture turned to archi-torture...and by the way, this is our Whatsapp group name..!
Submissions, T-Squares, portfolio, mount boards, ivory sheets, Grids,, Redo's and Deadlines filled our lives....anywhere and everywhere redo....redo ...redo...!
We waited to get over this period and finally, we are here waiting eagerly to go home for Dussehra Vacations...
But this was a season of learning... learned new lessons, dropped all rotten theories and picked up ourselves for the future journey...the 5-year journey towards .........AN ARCHITECT......

These are a few of the big lessons which the past week taught me...

1) Never feel down when you are deep in problems, running away from problems does NOT solve them.

2)NEVER back out, who knows if you are nearer to success or not?

3)Never expect anything, Expectations KILL...

4)Never mind people judging you, they might have no other work to do...!

5)Sleep is bliss but staying awake for your passion is commitment.

6) There exist shortcuts to only pseudo success...

Finally, the fruits of your hard work are always sweet...!!!

Dedicating these to all Architorture  Architecture students around the globe...Enjoy all these sleepless nights...these are memories to be cherished...

Check out this link to find out how awesome architecture is !
The Best of Architecture

Promising you that the next post will be published soon,
this is Reshmy signing of from Vijayawada....


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