Ghar ke khaanaa.....

All are back in order, all work , submissions,  busy schedules , have replaced home after the vacation.

Though vacations mean missing college and friends, the love and affection we get at home and especially the foooood.
Coming back to normal schedule wasn't easy.......but food is always there to my rescue.....Everyone had got their traditional homely food and it was amazing to have such a variety to taste ....spicy, sweet , tangy, sour, and many more....

And this was when , the thought came that , no pizza or sandwich could replace the lovely homely food. How can we ever forget paani puri...?????????? 

Indian sweets are just pure love.....From milk pedas to jalebis.....Everyone should try these......sweets....

Diversity in food is surprising , different names for the same item and small small arguments over its roots.

All I can think about is just home and food.....nothing else comes into my mind....

And I can guess most of my readers , too are missing home and ghar ke khaana....
And being in a hostel, homely food is all that you miss a lot.

So enjoy the wide variety of food available and be careful about not wasting it....

Well , I would be coming soon with a lot more interesting topic soon.....till then take care....
This is Reshmy Raphy signing off......


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