About the author

My Story

As a beginner in blogging, I don't have a very big story to tell you about me. I gladly admit that I'm indeed a chatterbox and slightly psycho and amazingly beautiful. I am a writer and poet by birth (bragging rights !), turned into blogging recently. I love writing and aspires to deliver quality content on this website. I'm an architecture student at the School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada, India. 

My small family and the Island of Pearls, Bahrain, where I spend 18 years are very special to me. Don't you dare say a word against Bahrain! Again I repeat it is Bahrain and not Baahaarain...Blogging makes me feel connected to people around the world. Each time a comment is dropped, I feel really good and more responsible. I always wanted to help social causes but sadly all my little efforts went in vain. To get me triggered is the fastest and easiest thing you can probably do. These crimes and injustice just get my blood boiling in minutes. Sometimes I react only to my loss and when nothing works, I rant about it here.

Well, that's my story folks! 
Keep reading and Keep supporting.

You can always feel free to contact me via my email - reshmy1997@gmail.com


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I'm an active social networker! So do keep in touch folks...


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