One future....Zero hunger....

The response for my previous post was quite encouraging....
Hope I continue to get all your support because you readers are my priceless possessions...

Today's theme is simple; World Food Day...sounds really simple, yet it has a much deeper meaning to it...

More than half of the world sleeps with  an empty stomach.Even after lots of developments and globalisation,  the hungry remains hungry. Sadly,  are we ready to celebrate this world food day..? 

World celebrates food day in grandeur, social media too celebrated in its own way, heart breaking stories , posters and messages filled our newsfeed.

We did our part by giving likes and shares...does our social responsibility end there..?

There are many little ways which might make a considerable impact.I had been witnessing the huge amount of food being wasted in our college mess on a daily basis.  I feel ashamed that I could do nothing...nothing...nothing! Its not just here, it happens just all over the world.....If, we as a whole could do something about it, the whole picture might have been different. Eat to live and not live to eat....was said by someone.....wait , I have no idea who it was.....

Each time we waste food, think about how a hungry stomach could have been satisfied. Slowly... slowly we can pass a day when not even a bit of roti is wasted...and that day shouldn't be starts with each one of us...

Lets begin it...why wait until it's too late...

This year too world food day would raise awareness and initiatives to improve the situations but it shouldn't end within a single day...

Lets all make our minds to not waste food and stop others from doing so as much as possible.....and it should remain in our actions too...its not an advice...its our responsibility.....

With this note,
This is Reshmy Raphy signing off from Gods own country...Happy Dussehra...!!!



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