The Looooooong Break !

Hi There,

I know , I haven't had a post in weeks. Nobody cares...Nooooo, I know there might be at least some who might have wondered what happened to me.
For all those who care and for all who pretend to not care, everything was going zig- zig,  here-there ; leaving me totally confused and baffled.
Nothing much, a tiny...tiny heart-break! Well, now I find myself laughing over this.It felt so good to be frank.
A short break was what I thought I would be taking, but sorry guys, I couldn't make it. As always , I do have something for you to make up for it.

Now, back on feet after a wonderful college trip and refreshing experiences, putting back that pen onto paper, here I come....with a novel...Yes! I'm excited too !
Indeed travelling had put lots of creativity into my mind and who said social media is bad, all Thanks to Social media for inputs for my novel.

A whole new theme. Something no one has ever tried and that makes it challenging. To be honest I can feel the adrenaline rush right now. A whole new experimentation that no author had ever made upto , the pressure is high. God , please help me through this.....

Hope you all will love it and receive it with all the love you showered upon my other works...

Presenting to you,
Will soon come back with the Cover and Prologue..

Love You all !
All love for you...


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