13 Reasons Why
One serious question WHY?
This time , a longer post , it is an attempt, if I could just save even one, it would be the biggest achievement in my life!
What were these kids thinking when they thought about ending their lives ? Is it the new culture or trend that is teaching them that suicide is a solution to all.
Hey all...Long Time...
I insist that all should read this, and by insist I mean- YOU SHOULD READ THIS, Thank me later !
Here is whopping List of 13 reasons why you should live on like a Badass!
#1 Your Parents - Each and every moment of your life was very special for your parents. From your first cry to your first day at school, it meant their whole world. Each time you were adamant on getting your favourite toy or going to your favourite anime or show, they did their best to make it happen. Their lives always encircled around yours. You were their reason and motivation to move forward when they thought it was nearing an end. Maybe they may not be so good in showing their emotions, but trust me on this, they LOVE you.
#2 You - Everyone deserves to live a heroic life. The moment you were born, you are a champion because there were many who were not able to make up to it. It is this prized possession that you just felt like throwing off like a chocolate wrapper just because someone called you ugly ? Like Seriously you have clearly got a 100 reasons to be happy for. You should be the one who faces life with courage and not one who just choose to hide behind like a coward.
If there is a math test scheduled and you haven't prepared for it, I bet half of them would just bunk the class. Let's get the facts clear, some day or the other you got to face it, running away from it is not gonna help you.
So why run away, when you can roar loud and show your courage. Who wouldn't want themselves to be called Brave ?
#3 Your Loved Ones - No matter what you feel, there are people who love us and just wishes the best for us. Our mind is very cunning. in times of sadness , it tricks us into believe that there's actually no one who cares about you. That's bring that mind into control, believe once you start counting you will easily be able to find 20 people at the least who loves you, be it your parents, friends, relatives, teacher and the list goes on.
Isn't it your duty to give back that love ?
"Love is something that you give it away, and it comes right back to you !"
#4 Everything has a solution even hair fall does have one
There is no issue that can't be sorted out given that you might have to dive deeper to get hold of the solution.
Some patience and observance skill can help you spot down the puzzle solution on your cereal box. Oh well, I didn't know that for a long time though.It is said that if one door closes , nine other doors are opened. Can't you see the chances of finding a solution yet ?
#5 Life has it's ups and downs
Some great personality(me... :P) once said. "Life has ups and downs and it is necessary, because a straight line even in an ECG means we are not alive." Well , that thoughtful person was Ratan Tata. Life does not come with manuals and it can be that we might have a tough time dealing with it. It is not gonna be easy. After all, we were given these brains to figure this out. So take out those brains , clean them, take out all the rust, put it back and you are all good to start afresh. its not so easy as it is said. After all, what's all the fun and thrill in solving easy puzzles ?
#6 There is no turning back
The most important reason why you shouldn't is there is no second chance. You failed in a subject, you got endless tries to give it a second shot. You broke someone's heart or trust, there again you got lots and lots ways to mend it.
#7 You are unique.
I can definitely guarantee you that you are one of a kind. No one can just replace you. Your smile, your personality, your character, and most importantly YOU - its all special.
#8 Your role
It is said that you are brought into this world for a purpose. Maybe you were supposed to be the next prime minister or maybe a scientist that would discover a cure to cancer or maybe a superhero (Well, I thought I was the most eligible for that, Never mind !). Why take that chance ?
#9 Be the inspiration
There are many great achievers who were people who had taken chances and come back to life to give it another shot. They were always remembered and is constantly a source of inspiration.
Will it feel bad or hurt you , if you got to be the inspiration for many ?
#10 Memories
Trust me on this, you have been knowingly or unknowingly the reason for the smile of many people. Just imagine a time where those smiles are never going to return. Those good times, those embarrassing yet memorable incidents, those little butterflies in your stomach when you see your crush or those roars in your stomach in that huge roller coaster. Don't you want to get back to them.
#11 There's hell lot of things you are gonna miss on
Who knows if there's gonna be a F.R.I.E.N.D.S. reunion season or maybe an entire HARRY POTTER series coming up? Or maybe your Favourite actor or singer is gonna be in your hometown for a show and you are not there. What if there is gonna be an amazing movie and you are not there to watch it. What if we all were travelling to another planet or maybe a whole new sequel of GAME of THRONES is up. That's gonna be a huge loss baby. I bet you must have started rethinking.
#12 Your poor soulmate
What will your innocent soul mate do if you decided to quit one day ? He/she was in this long wait to meet and then...
That doesn't sound good.
#13 Me
Yes, me. it is gonna make me sad if you leave. I may not know you but I don't want you to quit. Mark these words, I love you, I'm there for you. Why would you want to hurt me. I 'm here with open arms. Welcome back champ! You got to teach Life a lesson like a BAWSE.
Well, Thank you Lilly Singh aka Superwoman for How to be A Bawse is one my favourites now. If you get time , please make sure you give it a go.
This time , a longer post , it is an attempt, if I could just save even one, it would be the biggest achievement in my life!
What were these kids thinking when they thought about ending their lives ? Is it the new culture or trend that is teaching them that suicide is a solution to all.
Hey all...Long Time...
I insist that all should read this, and by insist I mean- YOU SHOULD READ THIS, Thank me later !
#1 Your Parents - Each and every moment of your life was very special for your parents. From your first cry to your first day at school, it meant their whole world. Each time you were adamant on getting your favourite toy or going to your favourite anime or show, they did their best to make it happen. Their lives always encircled around yours. You were their reason and motivation to move forward when they thought it was nearing an end. Maybe they may not be so good in showing their emotions, but trust me on this, they LOVE you.
#2 You - Everyone deserves to live a heroic life. The moment you were born, you are a champion because there were many who were not able to make up to it. It is this prized possession that you just felt like throwing off like a chocolate wrapper just because someone called you ugly ? Like Seriously you have clearly got a 100 reasons to be happy for. You should be the one who faces life with courage and not one who just choose to hide behind like a coward.
If there is a math test scheduled and you haven't prepared for it, I bet half of them would just bunk the class. Let's get the facts clear, some day or the other you got to face it, running away from it is not gonna help you.
So why run away, when you can roar loud and show your courage. Who wouldn't want themselves to be called Brave ?
#3 Your Loved Ones - No matter what you feel, there are people who love us and just wishes the best for us. Our mind is very cunning. in times of sadness , it tricks us into believe that there's actually no one who cares about you. That's bring that mind into control, believe once you start counting you will easily be able to find 20 people at the least who loves you, be it your parents, friends, relatives, teacher and the list goes on.
Isn't it your duty to give back that love ?
"Love is something that you give it away, and it comes right back to you !"
#4 Everything has a solution even hair fall does have one
There is no issue that can't be sorted out given that you might have to dive deeper to get hold of the solution.
Some patience and observance skill can help you spot down the puzzle solution on your cereal box. Oh well, I didn't know that for a long time though.It is said that if one door closes , nine other doors are opened. Can't you see the chances of finding a solution yet ?
#5 Life has it's ups and downs
Some great personality(me... :P) once said. "Life has ups and downs and it is necessary, because a straight line even in an ECG means we are not alive." Well , that thoughtful person was Ratan Tata. Life does not come with manuals and it can be that we might have a tough time dealing with it. It is not gonna be easy. After all, we were given these brains to figure this out. So take out those brains , clean them, take out all the rust, put it back and you are all good to start afresh. its not so easy as it is said. After all, what's all the fun and thrill in solving easy puzzles ?
#6 There is no turning back
The most important reason why you shouldn't is there is no second chance. You failed in a subject, you got endless tries to give it a second shot. You broke someone's heart or trust, there again you got lots and lots ways to mend it.
Bullying is a real thing, I must say that bearing is not a solution, sometimes even complaining doesn't work, the best, give it back.
once they get to know the taste of what they have done, they will be all good. How dare they make you feel bad ?
If love, smile and joy can be given and can come back right at you, then tell me , why not ?
I can definitely guarantee you that you are one of a kind. No one can just replace you. Your smile, your personality, your character, and most importantly YOU - its all special.
#8 Your role
It is said that you are brought into this world for a purpose. Maybe you were supposed to be the next prime minister or maybe a scientist that would discover a cure to cancer or maybe a superhero (Well, I thought I was the most eligible for that, Never mind !). Why take that chance ?
#9 Be the inspiration
There are many great achievers who were people who had taken chances and come back to life to give it another shot. They were always remembered and is constantly a source of inspiration.
Will it feel bad or hurt you , if you got to be the inspiration for many ?
#10 Memories
Trust me on this, you have been knowingly or unknowingly the reason for the smile of many people. Just imagine a time where those smiles are never going to return. Those good times, those embarrassing yet memorable incidents, those little butterflies in your stomach when you see your crush or those roars in your stomach in that huge roller coaster. Don't you want to get back to them.
#11 There's hell lot of things you are gonna miss on
Who knows if there's gonna be a F.R.I.E.N.D.S. reunion season or maybe an entire HARRY POTTER series coming up? Or maybe your Favourite actor or singer is gonna be in your hometown for a show and you are not there. What if there is gonna be an amazing movie and you are not there to watch it. What if we all were travelling to another planet or maybe a whole new sequel of GAME of THRONES is up. That's gonna be a huge loss baby. I bet you must have started rethinking.
#12 Your poor soulmate
What will your innocent soul mate do if you decided to quit one day ? He/she was in this long wait to meet and then...
That doesn't sound good.
#13 Me
Yes, me. it is gonna make me sad if you leave. I may not know you but I don't want you to quit. Mark these words, I love you, I'm there for you. Why would you want to hurt me. I 'm here with open arms. Welcome back champ! You got to teach Life a lesson like a BAWSE.
Well, Thank you Lilly Singh aka Superwoman for How to be A Bawse is one my favourites now. If you get time , please make sure you give it a go.
Hope you will not let me down on this, remember, I Love you and I Care about you. I'm There for you and will always be there for you. Can come to me or talk to me whenever you feel.
Lots of Love,
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