Gyaan for the New Year !

**Word of the Day- Gyaan - Knowledge**
New Years is just around the corner and I know like everybody else you too are waiting for a fantastic plan to pop up and cancel it right away. As an elder sister, and a very responsible friend and writer, here are some of my tried and tested Gyaan for this New Years.

1. Love yourself

Self-love is the world’s best gift you can give yourself. Don’t forget to give a damn to all those asked to lose/gain weight, undergo some stupid plastic surgery, start socializing more, stop reading and writing - You were meant to be unique and I do not see that as abnormal (**Detailed post in near future Alert**). However, don’t let anything stop you from being that beautiful butterfly after the metamorphosis. Change is inevitable and you get to decide how to and when to change.
***3 cheers for you***

2. Don’t Drink and Drink and Drink 

Trust me on this, you definitely do not want to begin a year with regrets carried over from the previous night. So drink responsibly, take care of your friends and others. 
Make sure you have someone in their senses to bring you back to senses. Though this line seemed senseless, it made a lot of sense.

3. Never Ever, I repeat Never Ever play that Truth or Dare game

If you want to meet your friends in the same way you met them before, take this advice on a serious note. I still do get panic attacks thinking about the last and final time I played this stupid game. Well, if you love adventures, go ahead! I’m no one to stop you from the wonderful time you are gonna have the next morning.

4. Don’t do overdo it

It is not the last day of your life, it is just the beginning of another beautiful year that is gonna screw you up. Did I just say something? I believe everyone wants to celebrate another new year.

5.Go Budget friendly

Take this advice from this shopaholic and prodigal daughter **Bible reference**.That thing called money is super important and don’t you waste that on some new year celebration for a year that is gonna screw you anyways. Did I just say that again? Well, why don’t you invest in Bitcoin or Ripple? **Previously on Alert**

6. Going Solo

It is totally okay and actually pretty fun to get into the new year solo. After all, you are the one who always stays with you. Did I just mess up some line? Never mind, you understood right. Maybe this is the right moment to do something you have always wanted to.*Motivation Alert*

7. Resolutions all over

It is humane to make resolutions and break-up with them, 1 week into the new year. Is it not how it is supposed to be? Well, keeping them would do no bad.

This year I made some solid resolutions, I wouldn’t mind at all if you picked out one or two from mine ;

  1. Love me more and more and others, Maybe
  2. Eat more chocolate because chocolate is bae
  3. Learn something new
  4. Eat well
  5. Sleep well
  6. Repeat d
  7. Repeat f
  8. Watch some good series
  9. Repeat d, f and g

Because you can’t make everyone happy but you can definitely make yourselves happy. That’s all that matters in the very long run. **Emotional Tears Alert** **Also Gyaan Alert from Previously on**
So go ahead, kick hard into the new year even harder than 2017 hit you. Probably 2018 might take a lesson or two and give in.

This is the very first time I'm in away from home for New Year and trust me, I'm already getting a clear picture of what's in store for me in 2018 - Yeah! I can clearly see the black smoke. To add to my woes, I have got a submission deadline on 1st January, so you see where this is going. Just saying 😢

Here is Reshmy Raphy a.k.a the Gyaan specialist wishing you a very Special New Year. May all your friends tag you in memes all throughout the year😜 And remember to write the date as 2018!


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