A Surprise For all Readers and Bloggers

A big sorry to everyone for missing upon posting anything. I'm so sorry for all those hectic schedules, exams and travel.So, this time I have got a bigger present for all my readers !

 A series for you ! Yes , you read that right ! I'm Giving you an exciting , suspense- filled series.

And it is titled :

 ' The Last Note '

I promise to give you mind-scrambling chapters filled with suspense, adventure and thrill.
And so must be wondering when it starts ?

Right away !

Yes, Tonight I would be publishing the cover page to it along with the Prologue !
And no worries, I would be writing every Sunday and Wednesday !
So sit back and enjoy Reading this series I present to you !

The Last Note

Everything goes normal as in everyone's life...until one day , a note arrives at her doorstep !
Keep reading to unveil out the mystery !

Big Cheers !
Wish Me Luck !
All yours,
Reshmy signing off ...


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