X and XII CBSE Results - Check here

Gotch you! Now I can literally hear all the curses I'm getting for this clickbait. Chill guys. Go through this article and you are good to go!

The real fear is the fear itself. Some great guy said this years ago and I think he had a point. We all fear something or other. And the fear itself is the one that drives you nuts. You didn’t still get it. Well, maybe I should give up! If you have the courage to walk past your fears, you actually become fearless.

Readers: But how do you do that?

Dammit! I just sounded like WikiHow I know.

Opens WikiHow and types in…
How to be a confident person?

Solution: Walk with confidence and talk confidently. There you go you are a confident person.

I only intended a good intro, but I know I messed it up.
Oh yeah! It is that season of the year, the result season, anxious and tensed parents everywhere. Board exam results - The fear is real.
Even I have one at home, sleepless and restless; worrying about the results. Yo Girl, the world got other problems. Like how do we even stop Thanos? Or How do we stop the Night King? #nospoilersforyou

Well, you see, as a very wise person (myself), I dealt with my results like nobody else would, I mean too chill for a student, maybe because my parents were too chill about it.
First things first, Your tension or worry ain’t gonna change your result. It is just gonna release those bad hormones ( Really, bad hormones? You could have come up with Harmful or more sophisticated sounding words! Pardon me. Me weak in Biology

Kids, the real world out there doesn’t care about your marks once you are out there after graduation. They ask you for 10 years experience at the age of 22. And I personally am not a very big fan of marks. You see, it is not that I don’t want marks or something, but I value the learning more. Your aim should be to expand your knowledge and not just marks. At the end of the day, your knowledge counts; make sure you learn something new every day.
These are the great words by my anonymous friend or let me just say her name; she deserves the credit you know; never mind. Do you wanna email her - drop a mail
#Iknowyouarecomingforme #iloveyoumyfriend 

There are some things I want to tell you, my little friends. Just take it as a piece of cake; the boards are nothing, it is just a sugar-coated gateway to the real life. Oh yes! you will know soon.

10 Graders; A truth for you - You can’t enjoy after 10 boards. Then you have 12th boards, then entrance, then graduation, then a job, then promotion - It is just never gonna end you know. And the 10th result just matters now.
12th Graders; A truth for you - I really have only one advice - choose your career wisely. And don’t worry, if you chose wrong; just make the right choice the earlier you realize it. Humans make mistakes and it is okay.
While I say all this, just don’t forget about the penny. You got to have money to fill your tummies and I’m not gonna take any wastage of that money. Education is an investment - Make a smart choice and go for long-term goals. 

Don’t worry guys, the result is just gonna be fine. And its okay to not score a 90%. Not all successful people score 90%. Don’t let these marks define you. Choose your college wisely and that's it. Love what you choose and don’t forget Love Yourself.

And that panting portraying panic is an example of expressionism - The Scream. Guys, I had to bring in architecture somewhere #cozimanarchitect

Did I just sound like WikiHow again? Dammit!


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