Te - Quiero - Chapter 12

Dear Diary,
I couldn't write for a long while, so sorry, but all these while so many things happened. Like a lot of things. Oh my God, I'm so sorry for missing on all of these. But I will tell you everything bit by bit.
The biggest news of all, Kabir and my best friend Chaaya are in a relationship ! Well, it was this long cute little love story and I got to play the cupid. They are just too perfect for each other... Aah , how I love them together.
Then I contested for the Arts Secretary and lost in full glory ! Yeah, losing was fun although.
Then we went to Paris for this 3 week long art exhibition and project work ! I'm still excited that I'm not able to write anything. Each and everyday was worth the money. I just loved it.
Our first term results were out and guess what ! There is nothing to guess, we all passed.
Yeah, then there is Ranveer, out of now where, he pops out. Its insane. I'm obsessed. His talks, his lame jokes, his laughter, his-seem-to-be-sarcastic-attitude; and his endless bragging...I know there is nothing that would make you fall in love with him, but my cupid is blind !


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