To That Special Someone...

Hi Friends, It is me, Reshmy here with a small poetry dedication to someone really special to me. Sometimes, in the hurry to make new friends and fit in within a group, we may end up doing lots of nonsense stuff. But, one day , you got to accept the truth that ; it's never gonna happen. you can't force yourself to fit into a group.

All this while, there might be someone special, who despite being ignored or cared less for, they strive for your happiness. Very often we miss upon the existence of this person. This realisation strikes you when you realize that even after trying to fit into, you are unhappy. Mostly, by that time, the special one(s) may have flown away, somewhere far, leaving you into deep regret. But there are some lucky ones who realise this and get back to them. I'm telling you , my friend, such a person is really lucky....

I was lucky enough to realise my special someone...and here is a small dedication !

We walked together but I was never with you,
We talked together but I never knew what it meant,
We played together but I never framed those moments...

As I was lost in wandering...
To make as many friends I could
I never realised what I missed upon
All I thought was...

The harsh reality hit upon me when,
I realised how unhappy I had turned
You had flown away farther,
I didn't realise the biggest missing.
It took me time , to realise it was YOU !

You were there, once again happy times flew back ,
I knew what a real friend meant,
I regretted all those I did...
But my friend, I know how much you waited for me...
And that you are always there with a forgiving hug
I love you...I missed you...


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